Kelas 33
minuman beralkohol, esens dan ekstrak.
Kelas/Class | Produk Barang atau Jasa | Goods or Services |
33 | Minuman beralkohol (kecuali bir) termasuk minuman wine | Alcoholic beverages (except beers) including wine |
33 | minuman wiski | whiskey |
33 | wiski bourbon | bourbon whiskey |
33 | Minuman beralkohol | Alcoholic beverages |
33 | Bitters (minuman keras) sebagai perangsang nafsu makan | alcoholic aperitif bitters |
33 | saos sari tape untuk memasak (angciu) | - |
33 | Minuman wine | wines |
33 | minuman beralkohol berbasis tebu | sugarcane-based alcoholic beverages |
33 | Minuman brendi | brandies |
33 | seltzer beralkohol | alcoholic seltzers |
33 | Minuman Tuak | - |
33 | Arak masak | - |
33 | Minuman keras Jepang dengan kandungan pinus | Japanese liquor flavored with pine needle extracts |
33 | minuman beralkohol rendah, kecuali bir, mengandung tidak lebih dari 1,15% volume alkohol | low alcohol beverages, except beers, containing not more than 1.15% by volume of alcohol |
33 | pure malt whisky (minuman beralkohol) | pure malt whisky |
33 | sari apel beralkohol | alcoholic cider |
33 | koktail rum (minuman beralkohol) | rum cocktails |
33 | Scotch (minuman beralkohol khas Skotlandia) | Scotch |
33 | Wiski (single malt whisky) | single malt whisky |
33 | Wine (minuman anggur beralkohol) manis | sweet wines |
33 | koktail wiski | whisky cocktails |
33 | Minuman arak anggur yang dilindungi oleh sebutan asal "Cognac" | wine spirits protected by the appellation of origin "Cognac" |
33 | koktail (minuman beralkohol) dalam bentuk gelatin yang tidak dingin | alcoholic cocktails in the form of non-chilled gelatins |
33 | amaro [minuman keras herbal] | amaro [herbal liqueurs] |
33 | minuman keras blackcurrant | blackcurrant liqueur |
33 | Ragi buatan untuk membuat wine (minuman anggur beralkohol) | brewer's yeast for winemaking |
33 | minuman keras dengan kandungan kopi | coffee liqueurs |
33 | minuman buah beralkohol yang disuling | distilled alcoholic fruit beverages |
33 | minuman beralkohol dengan rasa teh | alcoholic beverages flavored with tea |
33 | minuman beralkohol distilasi berbahan dasar biji-bijian | Grain-based distilled alcoholic beverages -- |
33 | cider | ciders |
33 | arak beras suling | Distilled spirits of rice |
33 | Minuman beralkohol (kecuali bir) | Alcoholic beverages (except beers) |
33 | wine dan wine bersoda | wines and sparkling wines |
33 | Minuman malaga berfermentasi (mengandung alkohol) | - |
33 | Permen coklat isi termasuk yang berisi anggur cair dan alkohol | - |
33 | Ragi untuk membuat Wine (minuman anggur beralkohol) | yeast strains for making wine |
33 | Wine (minuman anggur beralkohol) putih | white wines |
33 | Wine (minuman anggur beralkohol) stroberi | strawberry wine |
33 | Fruit-Wine (minuman anggur beralkohol) | sparkling fruit wines |
33 | sangria (minuman beralkohol) | sangria |
33 | Rum (minuman beralkohol) dengan tambahan vitamin | rum infused with vitamins |
33 | Sediaan koktail wine (minuman anggur beralkohol) | prepared wine cocktails |
33 | ouzo (minuman beralkohol) | ouzo |
33 | margarita (minuman beralkohol) | margaritas |
33 | Kirsch (minuman beralkohol) | kirsch |
33 | grappa (minuman beralkohol) | grappa |
33 | Wine (minuman beralkohol dari buah-buahan) | fruit wines |
33 | Minuman anggur beralkohol (fortified wines) | fortified wines |
33 | Curacao (minuman keras) | curacao |
33 | Wine (minuman anggur beralkohol) untuk memasak | cooking wine |
33 | champagne (minuman keras) | champagne |
33 | koktail brendi (minuman beralkohol) | brandy cocktails |
33 | campuran wiski (minuman beralkohol) malt khas skotlandia | blended malt Scotch whisky |
33 | Wine (minuamn anggur beralkohol sebagai pembuka sebelum makan untuk merangszng nafsu makan) | aperitif wines |
33 | Wiski khas Amerika | American whiskey |
33 | alcoholic perry (minuman beralkohol dari fermentasi buah pear) | alcoholic perry |
33 | minuman berbahan dasar kopi beralkohol | alcoholic coffee-based beverages |
33 | absinthe koktail (minuman beralkohol dengan perisa adas) | absinthe cocktails |
33 | Minuman keras aprikot Jepang | Japanese apricot liquor |
33 | Minuman anggur beras yang tidak disaring (Tag-ju) | Unstrained rice wine (Tag-ju) |
33 | Minuman keras Cina yang disuling | Chinese distilled liquors |
33 | minuman alkohol berkarbonasi, kecuali bir | alcoholic carbonated beverages, except beer |
33 | wine buah bersoda | sparkling fruit wine |
33 | Minuman keras Korea yang disuling | Korean distilled liquors |
33 | Anggur suling | Distilled wine |
33 | alcopop (minuman beralkohol dengan kandungan alkohol yang rendah) | alcopops |
33 | amontillado (sejenis wine (minuman anggur beralkohol)) | amontillado |
33 | adas manis [minuman keras] | anise [liqueur] |
33 | anisette [minuman keras] | anisette [liqueur] |
33 | Minuman beralkohol perangsang nafsu makan | aperitifs* |
33 | Minuman beralkohol sebagai perangsang nafsu makan, dengan bahan dasar minuman keras beralkohol | aperitifs with a distilled alcoholic liquor base |
33 | Aquavit (sejenis arak yang disuling khas Skandinavia) | aquavit |
33 | armagnac (minuman sejenis brandy khas Perancis) | armagnac |
33 | arrack [arak] | arrack [arak] |
33 | awamori [arak beras suling] | awamori [distilled rice spirits] |
33 | baijiu [Minuman beralkohol suling Cina] | baijiu [Chinese distilled alcoholic beverage] |
33 | basi [minuman beralkohol yang difermentasi] | basi [fermented alcoholic beverage] |
33 | bitters (minuman keras) | bitters |
33 | campuran wiski (minuman beralkohol) grain khas skotlandia | blended grain Scotch whisky |
33 | campuran wiski (minuman beralkohol) khas Skotlandia | blended Scotch whisky |
33 | campuran Wiski (minuman beralkohol) | blended whisky |
33 | bourbon (minuman berlakohol) | bourbon |
33 | Brendi (minuman beralkohol) | brandy |
33 | cachaça (minuman arak khas Portugis) | cachaça |
33 | cachaça [minuman beralkohol yang disuling] | cachaça [distilled alcoholic beverage] |
33 | calvados (minuman sejenis brandi dari buah apel atau pear) | calvados |
33 | Whisky khas Kanada | Canadian whisky |
33 | champagne (minuman keras) cocktails | champagne cocktails |
33 | brendi (minuman keras) ceri | cherry brandy |
33 | minuman keras dengan kandungan cokelat | chocolate liqueurs |
33 | Cuka Apel | cider |
33 | Minuman arak sari apel yang dilindungi oleh daerah asal "Calvados" | cider spirits protected by the appellation of origin "Calvados" |
33 | koktail * | cocktails* |
33 | Minuman keras berbahan dasar kopi | coffee-based liqueurs |
33 | Cognac (sejenis arak yang disuling) | cognac |
33 | Brendi untuk memasak | cooking brandy |
33 | cordials [minuman beralkohol] | cordials [alcoholic beverages] |
33 | cream liqueurs (minuman keras dengan kandungan krim susu) | cream liqueurs |
33 | crème liqueurs (minuman keras dengan penambahan gula) | crème liqueurs |
33 | daiquiris (minuman sejenis koktail dengan kandungan rum) | daiquiris |
33 | dessert wines (minuman beralkohol) | dessert wines |
33 | digester [minuman keras dan arak] | digesters [liqueurs and spirits] |
33 | minuman yang disuling | distilled beverages |
33 | Arak yang disuling | distilled spirits |
33 | ekstrak minuman beralkohol | extracts of spirituous liquors |
33 | Absinthe (minuman beralkohol) | absinthe |
33 | Wine (minuman anggur beralkohol) acanthopanax | acanthopanax wine |
33 | aguardiente [minuman beralkohol yang disuling] | aguardiente [distilled alcoholic beverage] |
33 | aguardiente [arak tebu] | aguardiente [sugarcane spirits] |
33 | minuman beralkohol yang mengandung buah | alcoholic beverages containing fruit |
33 | minuman beralkohol, kecuali bir | alcoholic beverages, except beer |
33 | minuman beralkohol dengan rasa cokelat | alcoholic beverages flavored with chocolate |
33 | minuman beralkohol dengan rasa kopi | alcoholic beverages flavored with coffee |
33 | bitters (minuman keras) | alcoholic bitters |
33 | campuran koktail (minuman beralkohol) | alcoholic cocktail mixes |
33 | koktail beralkohol yang mengandung susu | alcoholic cocktails containing milk |
33 | koktail (minuman beralkohol) dalam bentuk gelatin dingin | alcoholic cocktails in the form of chilled gelatins |
33 | Rum (minuman beralkohol) | rum |
33 | minuman berbahan dasar rum (minuman beralkohol) | rum-based beverages |
33 | Rum punch (minuman beralkohol) | rum punch |
33 | rye whisky (Minuman beralkohol) | rye whisky |
33 | sake (minuman beralkohol) | sake |
33 | bahan pengganti sake | sake substitutes |
33 | Sambuca (minuman beralkohol) | sambuca |
33 | schnapps (minuman beralkohol) | schnapps |
33 | Minuman keras berbahan dasar wiski khas Scotch | Scotch whisky-based liqueurs |
33 | shirozake [minuman keras campuran beras Jepang] | shirozake [Japanese sweet rice-based mixed liquor] |
33 | shochu [minuman arak suling khas Jepang] | shochu [Japanese distilled spirits] |
33 | shochu [minuman arak] | shochu [spirits] |
33 | Wiski (single grain whisky) khas Skotlandia | single grain Scotch whisky |
33 | Wiski (single malt whisky) khas Skotlandia | single malt Scotch whisky |
33 | soju [minuman arak suling khas Korea] | soju [Korean distilled spirits] |
33 | Minuman arak Cina berbahan dasar sorgum | sorghum-based Chinese spirits |
33 | minuman beralkohol bersoda | sparkling alcoholic beverages |
33 | Grape-wine (minuman anggur beralkohol) bersoda | sparkling grape wines |
33 | koktail Wine (minuman anggur beralkohol) bersoda | sparkling wine cocktails |
33 | Wine (minuman anggur beralkohol) bersoda | sparkling wines |
33 | spirit [minuman arak] | spirits [beverages] |
33 | minuman arak dilindungi oleh sebutan asal "Mezcal" | spirits protected by the appellation of origin "Mezcal" |
33 | minuman arak dilindungi oleh sebutan asal "Tequila" | spirits protected by the appellation of origin "Tequila" |
33 | Wine (minuman anggur beralkohol) still | still wines |
33 | rum jus tebu | sugar cane juice rum |
33 | Wine (minuman anggur beralkohol) meja | table wines |
33 | Tequila | tequila |
33 | koktail tequila | tequila cocktails |
33 | tequila dengan kandungan vitamin | tequila infused with vitamins |
33 | Vermouth (sejenis wine) | vermouth |
33 | Vodka | vodka |
33 | koktail vodka | vodka cocktails |
33 | wiski | whisky |
33 | minuman keras berbahan dasar wiski | whisky-based liqueurs |
33 | koktail (minuman anggur beralkohol) putih | white wine cocktails |
33 | minuman beralkohol berbahan dasar wine (minuman anggur beralkohol) | wine-based aperitifs |
33 | minuman berbahan dasar wine (minuman anggur beralkohol) | wine-based beverages |
33 | pendingin anggur [minuman beralkohol] | wine coolers [beverages] |
33 | Keranjang hadiah minuman anggur beralkohol | wine gift hampers |
33 | minuman campuran anggur beralkohol | wine punch |
33 | Minuman arak anggur dilindungi oleh sebutan asal "Armagnac" | wine spirits protected by the appellation of origin "Armagnac" |
33 | Minuman anggur beralkohol dilindungi oleh sebutan asal "Champagne" | wines protected by the appellation of origin "Champagne" |
33 | wujiapie-jiou [Minuman keras Cina] | wujiapie-jiou [Chinese liquor] |
33 | Wine (minuman anggur beralkohol dengan tambahan beras kuning) | yellow rice wine |
33 | minuman malt beralkohol dengan aroma, kecuali bir | flavored brewed malt beverages, except beers |
33 | minuman keras beraroma [minuman beralkohol] | flavored liquors [alcoholic beverages] |
33 | Minuman keras wiski dengan tambahan rasa | flavor-infused whisky |
33 | Minuman keras daiquiris beku | frozen daiquiris |
33 | Minuman brendi (dari buah) | fruit brandy |
33 | Minuman beralkohol dari ekstrak buah-buahan | fruit extracts, alcoholic |
33 | minuman keras dari buah-buahan | fruit liqueurs |
33 | Minuman arak dari buah-buahan | fruit spirits |
33 | gaolian-jiou [arak Cina berbasis sorgum] | gaolian-jiou [sorghum-based Chinese spirits] |
33 | gin (minuman beralkohol) | gin |
33 | koktail dengan kandungan Gin (minuman beralkohol) | gin cocktails |
33 | grape wine (minuman beralkohol dari buah anggur) | grape wine |
33 | hard cider (arak apel dengan kandungan alkohol dari buah apelnya) | hard cider |
33 | minuman keras (herbal) | herb liqueurs |
33 | Wiski Irlandia | Irish whiskey |
33 | Minuman keras Jepang dengan kandungan ekstrak ramuan (tumbuhan) | Japanese liquor containing herb extracts |
33 | Minuman keras Jepang dengan kandungan ekstrak prem Asia | Japanese liquor flavored with Asian plum extracts |
33 | Wine (minuman anggur manis Jepang beralkohol yang mengandung ekstrak ginseng dan kulit cinchona | Japanese sweet grape wines containing extracts of ginseng and cinchona bark |
33 | laojiou [Minuman keras Cina] | laojiou [Chinese liquor] |
33 | limoncello [lemon liqueur] | limoncello [lemon liqueur] |
33 | liqueurs (minuman beralkohol) | liqueurs |
33 | minuman keras dengan kandungan krim | liqueurs containing cream |
33 | minuman beralkohol berbahan dasar minuman keras (Liquor) | liquor-based aperitifs |
33 | minuman keras yang mengandung ekstrak ramuan (tumbuhan) | liquor containing herb extracts |
33 | minuman keras yang mengandung ekstrak mamushi-snake | liquor containing mamushi-snake extracts |
33 | minuman keras [suling] | liquor [distilled] |
33 | minuman keras yang beraroma ekstrak prem Jepang | liquor flavored with Japanese plum extracts |
33 | minuman keras yang beraroma ekstrak pinus | liquor flavored with pine needle extracts |
33 | liquors [minuman beralkohol] | liquors [alcoholic beverages] |
33 | minuman keras dan minuman keras | liquors and liqueurs |
33 | minuman keras, arak, dan minuman beralkohol | liquors, spirits and liqueurs |
33 | minuman beralkohol rendah, kecuali bir | low alcohol beverages, except beers |
33 | minuman beralkohol rendah, kecuali bir, mengandung tidak lebih dari 1,2% volume alkohol | low alcohol drinks, except beers, containing not more than 1.2% by volume of alcohol |
33 | Wine (Minuman anggur) rendah alkohol | low alcohol wine |
33 | makgeolli [anggur beras tradisional Korea] | makgeolli [traditional Korean rice wine] |
33 | wiski (minuman anggur beralkohol) malt | malt whisky |
33 | mead [hidromel] | mead [hydromel] |
33 | mezcal (minuman beralkohol) | mezcal |
33 | mojitos (minuman beralkohol) | mojitos |
33 | Wine-mulled (minuman anggur beralkohol) | mulled wine |
33 | Wine (minuman anggur beralkohol) bersoda | naturally sparkling wines |
33 | nira [minuman beralkohol berbahan dasar tebu] | nira [sugarcane-based alcoholic beverage] |
33 | minuman keras berasa peppermint | peppermint liqueurs |
33 | Perry (minuman bralkohol) | perry |
33 | piquette (minuman beralkohol) | piquette |
33 | pommeau (minuman beralkohol dari Perancis) | pommeau |
33 | port wines (minuman anggur beralkohol khas Portugis) | port wines |
33 | Minuman arak (portable) | potable spirits |
33 | minuman beralkohol sebelum dicampur, selain bir | pre-mixed alcoholic beverages, other than beer-based |
33 | sediaan koktail beralkohol | prepared alcoholic cocktails |
33 | sediaan koktail terutama terdiri dari arak suling dan termasuk bir | prepared cocktails consisting primarily of distilled spirits and also including beer |
33 | koktail Wine (minuman anggur beralkohol) merah | red wine cocktails |
33 | Wine (minuman anggur beralkohol) merah | red wines |
33 | rosé wines (minuman beralkohol) | rosé wines |
33 | Koktail (minuman beralkohol) dalam bentuk minuman beku | alcoholic cocktails in the form of frozen pops |
33 | cordial (minuman keras khas Amerika Utara) | alcoholic cordials |
33 | campuran daiquiri (koktail) beralkohol | alcoholic daiquiri mixes |
33 | eggnog (minuman susu telur) beralkohol | alcoholic eggnog |
33 | Campuran eggnog (minuman susu telur) beralkohol | alcoholic eggnog mixes |
33 | minuman energi beralkohol | alcoholic energy drinks |
33 | Aroma essens alkohol | alcoholic essences |
33 | ekstrak alkohol | alcoholic extracts |
33 | minuman buah beralkohol | alcoholic fruit beverages |
33 | minuman koktail buah beralkohol | alcoholic fruit cocktail drinks |
33 | minuman beralkohol (malt), kecuali bir | alcoholic malt beverages, except beers |
33 | campuran margarita (koktail) beralkohol | alcoholic margarita mixes |
33 | campuran mojito (koktail) beralkohol | alcoholic mojito mixes |
33 | Sediaan untuk membuat minuman beralkohol | alcoholic preparations for making beverages |
33 | alcoholic punch (minuman beralkohol) | alcoholic punch |
33 | Minuman beralkohol berbahan dasar tea | alcoholic tea-based beverages |
33 | Beram | - |
33 | Saguer | - |
33 | Arak Masak Hon Mirin | - |
33 | Arak Masak Ryorishu | - |
33 | Minuman keras Jepang dengan kandungan ekstrak mamushi-snake | Japanese liquor containing mamushi-snake extracts |
33 | Wine (minuman anggur beralkohol) | wine |
33 | bokbunjaju [minuman anggur beralkohol raspberry hitam] | bokbunjaju [black raspberry wine] |
33 | Minuman anggur beralkohol rendah yang mengandung tidak lebih dari 1,15% volume alkohol | low alcohol wine containing not more than 1.15% by volume of alcohol |
33 | minuman beralkohol, esens dan ekstrak | alcoholic beverages, essences and extracts |
33 | Sherry (minuman beralkohol khas Spanyol) | sherry |
33 | wiski (minuman beralkohol) bourbon | bourbon whisky |
33 | alkohol (minuman) beras | rice alcohol |
33 | cava [minuman anggur beralkohol bersoda] | cava [sparkling wine] |
33 | Minuman beralkohol destilasi seperti whisky, brandy, vodka, rum, gin, liquers | - |
33 | Minuman beralkohol hasil fermentasi atau tanpa destilasi seperti anggur, anggur putih, sake, sari buah apel | - |
33 | Minuman campuran yang mengandung alcohol (kecuali bir) | - |
33 | Minuman arak dilindungi oleh sebutan asal "Tequila" diresapi dengan vitamin | spirits protected by the appellation of origin "Tequila" infused with vitamins |
33 | minuman beralkohol yang disuling | distilled aperitifs |
33 | Pati alcohol | - |
33 | Minuman destilasi | - |
33 | Piket minuman yang dibuat dengan merendam ampas perasan buah anggur dalam air | - |
33 | Minuman alkohol pre-mix (selain yang berbahan dasar bir) | - |
33 | minuman alkohol rendah | - |
33 | ekstrak buah beralkohol | - |
33 | minuman spirit beraroma | - |
33 | Minuman brem berfermentasi (mengandung alkohol) | - |
33 | Wisky (beralkohol) | - |